Star Dust – Every Monday on Skype TIME: 18:00 – 19:15 – European Time
It’s about transforming unloved energies (feelings, programs from the past, family tree) into what is loving, assisting you in life
Before the session, write in the group what you want to say goodbye to, transform and what is your wish for the current time, week, month, or this year.
If you are interested in joining these classes, please write to me directly so I can add you to the group on Skype.
Prices: 1 class – 15 Euros
2 classes – 25 Euros
3 classes – 35 Euros
4 classes – 45 Euros
If you have a “peculiar” situation, please write me that you still want to participate and you decide about the flow of energy of exchange.
You can honor my work through PayPal:
or bank account: DE38 6705 0505 0039 0092 26